Then it came another question, this is much current actually.
Can a single person love more than one single person?
Because I mean, that guy is far in the past, but I'm still rather sure that if he asked me to go out with him, but as fellow boyfriends, the answer will be yes with no question whatsoever.
(But if its you, who doesn't know me who asked me out, I'll refuse his hand in that very instant to go in both your arms, really...)
Yes! These two sentences really summarize my feelings. So love has this kind of hierarchy? I wonder. Friends would be in the bottom, as you love them a lot but usually have more than one. Then there go best friends, which you may have one or two. Acquaintances are out of this pyramid and are the supporters of it: with no acquaintances you could never make new friends, nor new best friends. Everyone of these had started as an acquaintances, and a person who has none of them is in a really high risk of breaking the pyramid, as this is not really a pyramid but a cicle: friends come and go, and really few remain, so to balance the cicle you need new acquaintances to adjust the common lost of friendship you're doomed to.
Sorry,but friendship is cruel, you must know it. Even I had lost a best friend one time.
Okay so to not confuse you lets say you're watching that pyramid from the sky, so its kind of an square, then imagine a circle stream which is always flowing clockwise (anticlockwise does the thing as well)
Then friends are those fishes you have in the stream, you love them, and they are really colorful, or monocrhome, depending on the variety of friends you make. My advise is to have a colorful river, so that you can always find a fish that can understand the colour of your feelings, be it blue or green: its really difficult to always remain the same colour
I mean, hasn't your favorite colour changed since you were a child? Mine had, of course, and that is the main proof I have to stand up for a colorful river.
Then acquaintances are those people who enter daily, and go. Some call them tourist, but there are always a few cleaners and restorers within them. They always feed the fishes, as each conversation makes a bond between friends get stronger. Also, the pyramid needs to be kept clean if not your fishes will eventually die, the same way that ignoring your friends for a really long period may cause damages to your bond with them.
Thats why you need acquaintances. Fishes die, and someone needs to take them out of the river before you see it and get sad. And then, they may replace it with new fishes when you start to knew more about this fairly known acquaintance.
On some corners, there are what you may call family. Not everyone has them, as this pyramid may be conical or squared in the base, but having them cam make it stronger. Also, an squared pyramid is much easy to construct that a conical one (why if not Egyptians have built it that way. Egypt is cool, too cool to create the best pyramid in the world. Nevertheless, conical pyramids are also great, just love your pyramid).
Then, on the small island it remains in the inner part of the pyramid, you have best friends; fishes who really want to help you, and had found the way to live with you, and thus God gave them human flesh. (Yes I know, every friend and acquaintance have human flesh but when you're not even able to hug or cry on them, what worth has it even got?)
However, I still don't see a place for those lovers apart from the best-friends part. I mean there is no more space on the pyramid, and leaving them outside would be cruel. On the other hand, letting them hanging from the walls is even crueler.
You know, best friends and lovers are always in that small island.
Thought they are fishes anyway, and they do die as well. Problems, troubles, those things make them recover their gills, and they may die in their way to the stream, or become friends again
...Or even acquaintances
But they live for sure with your lover. Thats why your lover must also be your best friend: You may have that strong love for him, but if he's not suitable for the best friend island, he will either kill your best friends, or be killed by them.
And I'm pretty sure you'll prefer him to be killed, or his gills and scales returned if not, your island will perish, and so your soul will do.
So there you go, where the fuck is that separation? Nowhere. I can promise you I could live forever with my best friends, could live forever with a real true lover (if I had one) and the prove for it to be my true lover is that he could live forever with my best friends.
So that's it. Best friends and lovers are almost the same thing. One may say that you actually share a sexual attraction with a lover. But I can assure you I had felt a really strong sexual attraction for a best friend, and we remain as friends even now.
And love has the same shape in friends, lovers, childs, and pets. Love is the same in all of those because when you feel love you feel great and that's love main point.
Okay so it's already six o'clock and I have lots of homework yet to do. This entry will be published a day after I wrote it so... See you!
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