domingo, 27 de julio de 2014

Starting the blog: FAQ

Ok, so today, I think will be a really great day.

This is not at all my first blogger page, but this is one I would love to keep and maintain. "This time, this will really be definite" - How many times had I already said that? Well, anyway...

So... For the first blog, I had thought about a FAQ. Those Frequented Asked Questions that I hope someday will be asken and I will have to keep on repeating the answers. Okay, here we go:

First off: Why creating an English blog even though English is not my first language?

While I was walking down the street, on this very day, I thought a lot about this blog, I have so many projects and things I would love to talk about... Eventually, I would like someone to comment here, and just discuss with normal people about my thoughts and other people's thoughts. As you may know, Spanish is spoken in the Iberian Peninsula as well as in great part of South America and Central America, but that was not sufficient. English is spoken by lots and lots more of people, not just limited to some territories, but worldwide, so I thought: "If what I say has really got the power to make people just stop for to take a look around them, and find all that... Magic, that permeats this world. If just they could... Use it to help others."

2.- Why creating yet another blog? What is it going to be about?

Well, as I've said before, I've also got 2 other blogs, one in Blogger, another in Wattpad. The first is for nearly everything, whilst the second one is more for stories to let a bit my imagination go free without any objective (most of the stories are just crap so just don't have it in your mind a lot).

Up to now, I've got two non-purpose blogs so I came up with the idea of a more serious blog, yet "serious" is not the word. I love to thing really deeply about everything. "Why do we, humans, do this thing this way and not this other way?" Is the kind of thinking I'm always having, so I'll reflexionate about it here.

2.5.- Why not doing it in other blogs?

Because the others are focused on those stories and less-phylosophical/deep thinking, so it would really ruin the easy-to-read atmosphere they've got.

Moreover, this blog will also be some kind of a challenge. Deep thinking in your first language is easy, but I'm aiming to be able to (maybe?) Be able to give some speech about this, and really have the capability of changing the world somehow.

To that purpose, I need people to understand my ideals and to discuss them. You know, no one is completely right, nor completely wrong. This may sound a bit kind of... Arrogant? Many of you should be thinking "What the fuck is this little kid with no more than 17 years old is saying? Changing the world? Don't mess around and just have your feet in reality, won't you?"

But you know, those are the kind of people I would love them to read my blog. I would love to discuss about all kinds of things with them. To make them show me if I've said something with no sense, and I'll be glad to do the same thing with them.

I think I've got nothing else to say, so I'll end here this first post. If you like this post/blog be sure to check from time to time for new posts! Thank you!

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